Qatar’s Airport’s New Expansion Bets on the Led Industry, and It’s Making It the World’s Best, According to Experts.

November 30 , 2022 Share to
1 min

Lately, everything's all about Qatar, thanks to the WorldCup that's getting hundreds of fans around the world excited and even traveling to the Arab country. That's why Qatar's main airport has been extended with a mind-blowing 1.2 km of fine-pitch LED ribbon display around a new retail-focused terminal space.

The Expansion of the Hamad International Airport (HIA) is not anything as we've seen in other airports. Their top-quality facilities will enchant tourists with their newly added: premium art collection and a 10,000 sq m indoor tropical garden called The Orchard that has more than 300 trees and 25,000 plants from around the world, including Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.

And if that was not impressive enough, the multiple digital columns and digital facade described as 1.2km of high-resolution display with more than 169 million pixels of animation on the screen will surely marvel visitors. Which is probably the reason of why this airport has been proclaimed the world's best by some media and experts, beating out Changi in Singapore and Newark.

We'll see how this WorldCup goes but if one thing we know for sure is that there are plenty of reasons of why we should make a short-stop at Qatar's airport.